On thé banks of thé Dordogne, in thé heart of a very famous vineyard, Bordeaux et Bordeaux Supérieur, Cubzaguais occupies a privileged part of Aquitaine. Equidistant from Blaye, Libourne and Bordeaux, it is thé idéal startingpoint for exploring thé région. It is easily accessible since thé largest main road junction in Aquitaine, with thé A 10 motorway, thé RN 10 and RN 137, is located hère.



St andre de cubzac

- Office de tourisme (site)

- Train: S.N.C.F  (site)

- Autocar (site)

- Taxi Françoise Dupont  Tél :

- Taxi Munier Tél :

- Taxi Plumeau Denis Tél :


Commandant Cousteau



Birthplaceof Commandant Cousteau (1910-1997).The family of thé fomous marine explorer and commander of the "Calypso" hailed from St.André de Cubzac and owned a chemis's at 81 rue Nationale where Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born. After a lifetifne's océanographie research, he asked tobe buried in his hometown.





Cave of Pair-non-Pair


The cave of Pair-non-Pair contains engra-vings (featuring horses, ibexes, cervidae, mammoths and bovids) that date from thé Aurignacian period {between 33,000 and 26,000 B.C.). It is one of thé most spectacular decorated caves from thé beginning of thé Upper Paleolithic period.








Office du tourisme de Bordeaux : (site)


Office du tourisme de Libourne : (site)


Office du tourisme de Bourg : (site)

St emilion

Office du tourisme de St Emilion : (site)
